Overall Customer Satisfaction

How would you rate the quality of the sales team's responses? *

Do you have any comment ?

How do you evaluate the adequacy of the need with the proposed solution? *

Do you have any comment ?

How would you rate the responsiveness of the sales team? *

Do you have any comment ?

Q4 - How do you evaluate the projects implemented on your site? (copie) *

Engineering (upstream analysis, IT analysis, solution architecture solution, ...)Solution installationCommissioning and Reception of the solutionsTechnical training (Maintenance Levels 1, 2 ..)Change follow up of the teamProject management
Not satisfied at all
Not satisfied
Development & validation
Moderately satisfied
Very satisfied
Site not involved
Project management
Respect of the deadlines
Do you have any comment ?

Q5 - How would you rate the quality of Prescom products? (copie) *

CRITI-CALLM5SiMSARcall (Maritime)Operators Stations - dispatchers (Omni Dispatch..)Desktops - Dispatch consoles (Ester/ NanoTouch/ Micro Touch..)PMR-TLE Gateways (TACTICOM)
Not satisfied at all
Not satisfied
Moderately satisfied
Very satisfied
Site not involved
Recorders - Recorder Pro
Video Communication - Instant View
Do you have any comment ?

Q6 - How would you rate the Maintenance in operational condition ? (copie) *

Telephone support (Tickets)Hot Line (H24)Repair Services (ARM..)Corrective maintenance softwarePreventive maintenance follow up / Visit (VMP)Respect of the Guaranteed recovery time (GTR)
Not satisfied at all
Not satisfied
Moderately satisfied
Very satisfied
Site not involved
Respect of the Guaranteed intervention time (GTI)
Do you have any comment ?

Q7 - What new technologie(s) do you expect to use in the near future ? (copie)

If other, precise:

What are you projects or expectations ? *

If other, precise:

Would you recommend PRESCOM's services to other organizations *

Do you have any comment ?

What is you activity area? (copie) *

If other, precise:

Customer type (copie) *

If other, precise:

Customer name (or site): (copie) *

Email Adress (copie) *